Going through a ROUGH PATCH with your partner? Unsure if you should stay or leave? Join couples counsellors Jena (host) and Ruth (guest of honour) in episode 3 of The Get Happy Show as they discuss:
- The perfect storm of conditions that make new parenthood (kids age 0-5) so challenging
- Why it's so dang hard to take time for ourselves when we're new parents (and what to do about it)
- What can you do to show up as the best version of yourself in your relationship?
- The single biggest predictor of how you're going to FEEL within your relationship
- How stepping into your power can help you decide whether to stay or leave the relationship
- How to tell if you're going through a rough patch or if your relationship is really on the rocks
- What couples does Ruth worry about in her practice?
- How to handle resentment in a relationship
- How to manage division of household chores in a relationship
- 2 keys to overcoming perfectionism
- Criticism versus complaining versus contempt
- Why new parenthood can become a battleground
- The underestimated power of generosity in a relationship
- The thing that can melt your partner (vulnerability)
- The most important question to ask yourself if you want to understand why you and your partner are fighting about seemingly insignificant things
And more!! This episode is jam-packed with information for couples at all ages and stages.